After a Master of Arts at the Sorbonne, an experience as a copywriter in advertising agencies, and training in interior design at Ecole Boulle, I naturally decided to focus on the design of space and design in general in order to express herself more freely.


I've been working since 2006 as a free-lance interior designer for advertising agencies (BETC EuroRSCG, Publicis, Parti Pris, Agence Rouge, etc), for world brands such as the Hilton Paris hôtel, Arcelor Mittal or the Comité des Arts de la Table.

I designed the photo studio of BETC EuroRSCG in Paris and developed a concept store for electric bikes, law firms and models agencies, Ford Paris.


I had previously worked since 1999 till 2005 as a copywriter at BDDPDDB Paris and BETC EurRSCG (Havas) on flagship projects for AirFrance, Canal + TV channel, Hollywood chewing gum, BNP, Danone, Peugeot, FNAC, etc.


Academic background: master of Literature at the Sorbonne Paris IV - Ecole Boulle (Greta art school. Architecture and interior design) - Product design, ESDI. Paris - Feng Shui studies (lectures by Maître Dillsenseger www.powerspaces.com) - INECAT PARIS : Art therapy ( 2 years)



I like to divert objects to create meaning and reinterpret the moments associated with them. She questions uses and codes to disctract the individual from his usual points of reference.

Her designs help us soothe away daily tensions and bring back a smile through the pleasure of a form or a new gestureThey induce us to take the time to see and experience our environment differently.


Daily routine can be tinted with humor through light and poetic creations that tell a story. An object invited in our home can soften the space, our gestures, our thoughts and hearts.



The Artistic mediator in support relationship


The artistic mediator sets up artistic creation workshops in “difficult” environments or contexts with the aim of facilitating, through creation, articulation, exchanges and links within a group, a population, a family or an organization.


It is an impartial and independent third party who attempts, through artistic creation workshops, to help repair social bonds, transform relationships and promote the resolution of conflicts.




* Build the specific framework for its action according to contexts and groups

* Design artistic creation devices in line with the defined mission

* Lead creative workshops by leading each person and the group to appropriate the use of the proposed medium, to deepen the artistic form and to find their own solutions to the difficulties encountered

* Exploit the resources of an artistic medium in the service of group processes

* Master the challenges of a public presentation of the productions produced

* Measure the effects of the creative work and the group's journey

* Adjust your proposals and creative devices according to your analysis

* Take stock of your actions


* Communicate and inform about the profession